Find the seam in the wheel and take an exacto knife or razor and make one straight cut along the seam. Lift the rubber at the cut seam and slowly pull way the rubber. The rubber comes off easily. I then mount the rubber on EZ Mount and store the wheels flat in a binder. I am still looking for the best way to store these. Right now a binder works for me.
I bought a 6 x 2.5 size acrylic block very cheap from ebay and I use that to mounted my rubber to stamp.
I use the wheels so much more now since I discovered unmounting. I save my plastic wheel in case I ever change my mind and remount, so far it doesn't look like it's going to happen. Try it out on an old wheel that you don't care too much about. You never know, you might wind up opening yourself to many more possiblities. Hugs to you all.
I am definitely going to have to try this. I never ever use my wheels. I actually have a ton of them in my get rid of pile right now. Thanks for the tutorial!
I have to do this. I never use wheels. Then I can get rid of 2 drawers full of cartridges and all my handles. SCORE!
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